Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Who is really Dawn Schriver?????
This is my own personal expression about how those typical people behave in the cyber world. Sorry for the background color that may refer me as a dark world. It takes forever to upload designer page. I will do modify one day soon.
I would like to bring this up since recently incident at Facebook. First of all, I applauded Dawn Schriver for coming into one of my vlog called “Where in the world is Paddy Ladd” This vlog is about author’s strategy to collect monies from reader. Normally, if I am author myself, I would have my own responsible to clear up some misunderstood since many Big “D” radical has misinterpret this book from Paddy Ladd. Therefore I claimed that he just care on how he can make money from this book he wrote. Dawn Schriver came in my vlog and left some comments, I never knew her before. It was nice of her introduced me and asked some question and recommend me to collect the information before I made the vlog. I replied I disagreed because I have seen enough bedlam in this community since deaf hood coined in 2000. Barry Sewell came in and Sean (NAD) also came in and left a long and professional manner discourse. I, unfortunately, could not be able to involve this discourse with three of them due to my slow internet service in my rural home. I will have to drive one hour to get to a nicest coffee shop in town for a better internet service. I, of course, watched those three wonderful people continued leaving very good and very manner comments under my vlog. I, later, thanked them for their action. It is huge benefit for this deaf community, and we can learn from those three how we suppose to continue discourse. I strongly believe we can sit down and share our opinions no matter if we can agree or disagreed but yet pay respect to each other. I then end up conversation with Dawn via Facebook that led us becoming friend.
Of course, when you became a friend at Facebook therefore you will see her/his status on your page. I was expecting to see more adult in this page but instead of not what I expected. I understand some people likes to talk dirty like swearing or talking sex things. I realized that Dawn likes to talk that way like those teenagers. I have no problem with that but I need to cautious about this because my own children can read what it is at in Facebook. I do not usually talk that way, I do not permit this type of language in my house. I involved some discussion with Dawn over some issues. I thought some of comments were more of professional manner. She became upset and said that I crammed this into her throat. I was puzzled and double checking to see if it is actually her compared to herself under my vlog. I send her private inbox and asked her if my comment is too harsh for her. She said no.
I, then, saw her status about 4 people who contributed to deaf community included Ricky Taylor known as Ridor9th, I, of course, was puzzled because he is known for hurting so many people’s reputation included me. I came into one of his vlog very long time ago discussing about gay bill at California, (Bill 8, I think). I thought I would jump in leaving text message and explained him about the history why the gay was banned on the Earth. It was long time ago; gay was banned because the kings were concerned about producing babies. If there were too may gay therefore no producing on babies and they would end up with shorten people to defend their own fort or castle. I understand that Creator is against this type of situation but it is not what I am talking about. Ridor then backfire me with horrible, I mean real horrible, comments, I backed myself out, it was only few week after my internet was finally installed, I quickly browsed and surf around internet, and I found him first due to his signing language in a vlog. I thought I would get involved in these discussions. I am not very shy person; I can confront anyone who thinks different because this is who I am. I simply lost respect for Ridor and I realized that there are so many victims like myself. I, of course, would come in anywhere to kick his ass off if I see him threaten someone else. All I got is his furious comments included bully and swearing comments especially told me to have a sex with animals. Of course, he may think he is biggest man in cyber world but he is actually very small or smaller than nano. He would urine himself if he sees me in a real person. His reputation is shrinking everyday, he eventually will disappear one day soon especially he was charged for larceny and was sent to prison. I am hoping that his pardon will decline him from coming to Canada. No offend for my friends from US.
Anyway, I grew up in a gang but my gang would never look for trouble because we never thought about any troubles. I do not have any single record with police but to have a good times included fighting, drugs, drinking and women. I would confront anyone who tried to bully someone else smaller. I recall when I was sitting on one of corner at school and smoke a cigarette, I happened saw a bigger guy who bullied on small guy, I am not sure what it is all about but I told myself, he should have pick someone his own size, I then saw two girls giggled nearby and enjoyed this scene on what this guy was doing as if it is okay. I, of course, threw my cigarette and took my coat off and confronted this guy. He was terrified and ran away even he is slight bigger than me. This small guy was shaken and thanked me. I believe we should treat fairness to each other. Pick someone your own size.
POOF, which is what I see in Dawn Shriver’s status few days ago like those giggle girls. When Ridor started to leave harsh comments under Dawn's status, Dawn just had her hand off and told me it is her problem not mine, I told her of course, it is her problem but I tend to stand up to protect friends from someone who would destroy their reputation. Ridor is famous for this one because of so many stories anywhere from Gally, or his former friends, it would be page to page listing on what many people are talking about his behavior. Then Dawn told me to masturbate myself, I was puzzled it is not what I saw her under my vlog. What made her, I have no idea, maybe she would prefer to remain in teenager year like what I saw two girls giggled when a bigger guy bullied on a small guy. Is that HER? I then checked her friend list, she is befriending with many people who loves to bully in cyber world. I was confused because Dawn disagree this kind of method on her own comment under my vlog. I then gladly kicked myself out of her account and declined un-friend with her.
She is no longer professional manner that I was highly expected of her, I always told her it is always nice to have her type of manner like her around to help us understanding on her own end about deaf world. She believes in deaf hood or audism that I don’t. I guess her immature behaviour simply turn me off. I told myself that is another typical of deaf hood who would love to see people who disagree to be put down.
Best luck Dawn Schriver and I do hope you would wake up one day and realized your world of teenager needs to go. You would be very useful if you behave better than Ricky, and eliminate him off because this is the way I see him in you. I am off to peace life now. It is much better in my Facebook status right now after eliminate some related with those kinds of people. I am forwarding to discourse in more of professional manner with any opposite. I will always respect anyone who disagreed or think differently, I would love to debate those people with healthy discourses. I have absolute zero respect for Ridor9th or known as Ricky Taylor
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Hi. Somehow I missed this blog until this morning. I didn't see it come in but at least I found it this morning. I agree with you. She has tried to approach me in a professional way but she behaves differently behind the curtain. I noticed how she would befriend these beasts while criticizing us for our different views. I have not seen any effort on her part to fight back cyber-bullying that were done by her friends. It made me wonder about her as well. I made a decision to remove her as a facebook friend about a month or two ago. And then she came back into deafhood, no thanks group and kept on quarreling with nearly everybody. I'm beginning to think that her true colors are beginning to show. You know, people can't stay hidden for very long. Sooner or later her true character will appear and I think it might be the case here. It's unfortunate to see but some people are like that. I just didn't make an issue out of it nor did I share my thoughts in public until I started receiving emails from people expressing how they felt about her. I'm not one that listens to people's opinion of others but I noticed the surging trends but said nothing until now. Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts with us. I hope Dawn sees this blog and realize people are not as stupid as she might have thought. Take care.
ReplyDeletehi Holism, yes, I notice more and more now because Dawn kept tell us under your status "grow up, be mature, be nice" but she did do nothing when Ridor bashed me under her facebook status even he told me to have a sex with horses, I thought that was terrible comment but Dawn just allowed that. I laughed because she wouldnt dare tell you those. She simply, she disagreed. If you were me, she would tell me to grow up... I do hope that she understand her own borderline and keep her business in her own bay.
ReplyDeleteThis is what I mean, why air out what happened on FB here? This is negative energy. Why blog about a person when you've already said what you needed to say on FB? You've already made your point on on FB. If Dawn had blogged about you, then I would understand why you would need to defend yourself, but she didn't blog about you. sigh.
ReplyDeleteCandy, I only have several things to say, I am not asking you guys to be on one's side.
DeleteOne, This blog was made before it was brought up at Facebook, if you can see that date.
Two, I am hoping that my blog can prompt her to realized that her behavior is not acceptable.
Three, as I stated, it is only for my personal blog, I do not expect it to be air out. I just want to save facebook page if I can tell you about this situation. I have greater respect for Dawn but her teenager world needs to go.
Four, I dont care if Dawn write a blog about me, I have nothing to hide. Ridor9th told many fabric stories about me. Why cant his friend like Dawn stand up and tells Ridor9th that it is not appropriate things to do.
Lastly, I do not write like Ridor9th do, This is not comparing to his tactic. He wished people to die, or their homes to be burned. My blog is more of encourage or to prompt her into thinking for a better.
That's all.
This blog is not much different from Ridor's videos. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteCandy, one more thing, I CARE....
DeleteGina, you got me thinking, Now I am asking you a question. Is it okay to cyberbulling?
ReplyDeleteWhy am I asking you because you sounds like the one who keep telling me to shut up and let those typical people roaming around bullied everyone?
My daughter in high school now, she learned lot about bully world. More we voice the more we shut them down. Daughter joined anti-bully group and support each other to stop those bullies. I think this method is wonderful and it worked.
I think my voice is more of encourage that cyberbullies are not allow.
Or are you encouraging me or us to keep silent?
I reread and reread my blog, I do not think it is negativity because several people thanked me for standing up on bully people.
Maybe you like Dawn which is fine with me, she is very intelligence lady, she is fun to debate with but bully is not acceptable here.
I would not make any blog against someone particular bully. Until I was being bullied recently. I would stand up and put a stop to it.
Cant you see Gina, if you dont like my blog therefore I recommend you not to come in here again. I never ask or force people to come in and read. I stated my expression at the first place and hoping to put a stop to it.