Thursday, 1 March 2012

Bible Versions and deafness

It is my first time to write two blogs less than few hours. I just cringed with anyone who would kept firing with Bible versions  against someone else while that person do not know that there are many promises in the Bible.

First of all, if any of you are atheist therefore I recommend you to leave this page, it is worthless to debate with those type of people who never understood Bible.

I am here to protect our beloved Creator in His vain name.

Let’s discuss this here how we should behave with Bible while we are deaf.  I know a guy John ( I wouldn’t use his last name to save his face) who is former my roommate. He has cursed at Creator for his wife leaving him. I prayed and prayed for him and for his healing. He seems become okay after that. In Later years, he become angry at me for shooting at deaf hood and its foundation. He then fired me with all Bible versions. It is pretty conflicted with his action.

I love to read The Holism’s blogs, I admire how he put the literacy together, He is my truly mentor and teacher. He wrote a blog called ‘Dismissal and imposing by D extremists’. Dean (Ferretrex) started to fire with Bible versions at Barry. I must admit that I laughed so hard because it is pretty much conflicted with his action and this Bible.

That is also where I got frustrated to see those typical of people would use the Bible as weapon. It is like it is their bodyguard. If the debate began and continued until one of those decided to fire one other with Bible versions hoping that will clam up this person. It is actually erroneous thing to do. We simply cannot use Bible as weapon. This book is the purpose for the guidance for people who felt they are lost or seek for light or advices. It is also like someone who never used handgun before and tried it with live rounds in the chambers. I hope that people do have life or medicine insurance.

What made me cringe on my office chair and realized that those typical of people has missed so much included those  big D extremist or activism who also practice Christianity.  They has forgotten that Our Beloved Creator has already promise us that we shall be normal again, according to this Bible Version.

Matthew Chapter 11 Version 4,

Jesus spoken: 4)Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: 5)The blind see and the lame walk: the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear: the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preachers to them 6)and blessed is he who is not offended because of Me.

This versions has been extremely close to my heart and I strongly believe that our Creator will make us normal again. Now why should we worry about our deafness or our medical term. I thought it would be waste of our time fighting for our rights due to our medical term.  What does Creator really wants us to do? Fighting for our rights, absolute not…He simply wants us to help one others and be humanity. Helping someone in needy, give shelter, give water and food, give clothes that is what we shall be blessed for.

It is consider very offence to our Creator while we worried about our deafness. We should or could have done better than that. It is a purpose for us to be deaf we ought to accept this because we are blessed to be deaf.

Now let’s focus on Humanity instead of our medicine term.

1 comment:

  1. Very good post Brother. Too many people are unable to defend themselves so they turn to Bible as a weapon to shoot others down. It's a sad thing to witness. Very sad. Thanks for taking the time to write this one. Hopefully people will come in and read this important message.
