Friday, 14 October 2011

HOLISM, What is it?

In response of this reductionism “Deaf  Anthology” and his well-known bashing on TheHolism as a personal instead of political observation.
In your statement, this author Jan Smuts spoken in the volume of one side of the story who considered himself a reductionism. In other word, he is no different from Darwin who believed strongly about evolution differ from Bible. These are type of people are trying to differ from any sources to make the money from the books they wrote. Therefore your attention on Theholism in your blogs is the other reason for you to gain the popularity.
Let me rephrase here, Holism means “The theory that whole entities, as fundamental components of reality, have an existence other than as the mere sum of their parts.” In plain English, It means to view and analysis this matter as whole not parts to enhance this balance. It has nothing to do with cult or new age movement.  Spoken of Vatican, They are known for conceal the truths.
It is shameful for someone who decided to label this title based on reductionism. Do research on holism and understand this word as wholeness before you wrote in Deafread.  If you do not therefore you share only a part of your perspective instead of wholeness. In another word, “Narrow mind person”
In additional, we are to be taught to observe this community as whole to help noticeably the problems and resolve from there. Deafhood is known for reductionism because they do not view this as whole but focusing on deafhood itself to achieve the rights on their own.  What about our rights? If they understand holism therefore we would merge ourselves on a right path. 


  1. Exactly. Good blog. DeafAnthology is known for his weird illuisions, imaging stories in his wild head. So when he try to talk about something for real he trips over himself. He does not seem to have a dosage of reality check in his head. Focusing on JC Smuts and Adolf Hitler is exactly what's wrong with him. Numerous famous leaders practice holism including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Dalai, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, and such. Unfortunately Deaf Anthology choose to focus on failed leaders. He's shameful and a disgrace to intelligence.

  2. Thank you, Barry for elaborated on who were practiced holism in past. Now, we can see that they are succeed on their positions.

  3. Clearly Barry's v/blogs is irritating Deaf Anthology to no end.

    If we had bloggers/vloggers responding to another blogger/vlogger's post/video with the intend of discussing by way of throwing in rebuttals, then that is fine. But, when we have bloggers/vloggers getting personal, clearly they are incensed. There isn't much we can do except try not to stoop to their level.

    Deaf Anthology's site is fictional at best, see his disclaimer? His site is nothing but fictional (fake) (not real) and no one should take it seriously...but we know how it is in the deaf world, eh? lol

    Nice to see you blog!!

  4. Thank you Candy, it is pleasure to see you in this comment and thank you for clarify his position as if it is all fake. It is common for people who do not show a true identity.

  5. And of course... it was Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosophist who created the theory. Not J.C. Smuts. When Aristotle explained the theory he did not give it a name. Nobody did until J.C. Smuts did some time in 1926. J.C. Smuts gave it a name, and called it Holism. He explained why he gave it a name in the book called "Holism and Evolution" published in 1926. I own a hard copy of that book, purchased from United Kingdom through ebay. Have not read that book yet. Don't know if I'll ever read it but I bought it anyway in case I need it for desperate people like Deaf Anthology.

    Numerous scholar based dictionaries have clear definition on 'holism', a term that was coined by J.C. Smuts however it's interesting to point out that these scholar based dictionaries used Aistotle's philosophy as their primary definition, not J.C. Smuts' philosophy. The reason is simple. Aristotle invented the philosophy therefore it belongs to him. Many successful leaders practiced it and many of them used the philosophy in an evil way, like Adolf Hilter.

    Having said that, it was an embarrassment to see how desperate Deaf Anthology was in his effort to associate Holism with J.C. Smuts and Adolf Hilter, exclusively. Perhaps it's a reflection of reductionism on his part, only capable or learning one thing or two. FYI, reductionism is the opposite of holism.

  6. Hi Barry, thank you for an additional information. Exactly, that is how J. Smuts gain his popularity from coping the idea of the subject from someone else. Darwin did the same, he created some opposite from Bible to gain the popularity. Overall, they just cared about money than anything. I agreed that it is considered embarrassment for someone like Dead Anthology to bring in the error information. For someone who brings in the error information are also reductionism because that typical of people do not researched as in wholeness as if they missed pretty much in the picture.
